If you double click inside the `ListGrid`, you should see **3** rows instead of **2**. What is happening is the `DataSource` is refreshing the `CacheData` but the `ListGrid` isn't showing the added row.
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public void onModuleLoad() { DataSourceTextField continentField = new DataSourceTextField("continent"); continentField.setPrimaryKey(true); DataSource dataSource = new DataSource(); dataSource.setClientOnly(true); dataSource.setFields(continentField); dataSource.setCacheData(CountryData.getNewRecords()); final ListGrid myGrid = new ListGrid(); myGrid.setWidth(200); myGrid.setHeight(100); myGrid.setDataSource(dataSource); myGrid.fetchData(); myGrid.draw(); myGrid.addDoubleClickHandler(new DoubleClickHandler() { @Override public void onDoubleClick(DoubleClickEvent event) { List<Record> records = new ArrayList<Record>(Arrays.asList(myGrid.getDataSource().getCacheData())); records.add(new CountryRecord("Japan")); myGrid.getDataSource().setCacheData(records.toArray(new Record[0])); myGrid.fetchData(); SC.say("Number of records: " + myGrid.getDataSource().getCacheData().length); } }); } static class CountryData { public static CountryRecord[] getNewRecords() { return new CountryRecord[] { new CountryRecord("North America"), new CountryRecord("Asia") }; } } static class CountryRecord extends ListGridRecord { public CountryRecord(String continent) { setContinent(continent); } public void setContinent(String continent) { setAttribute("continent", continent); } public String getContinent() { return getAttributeAsString("continent"); } }