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    filtering listgrid forces either save/discard of edits

    When a listgrid's setAutoSaveEdits is set to false, why does a "filter" operation cause SmartGWT to prompt the user whether he want to save or discard edits? Can SmartGWT not just still execute the filter but still remember all pending edits so that I can execute all pending edits only once the user clicks on my "Apply All Changes" button? (The listgrid itself has been fetched with fethmode of FetchMode.LOCAL, so the "filter" operation should NOT be hitting the underlying db and so I believe it should just be "filtering" in place and so the whole dataset should be resident in memory -- so I don't see the requirement for prompting the user to decide whether edits ought to be saved or discarded.)

    Full Infrastucture Details:
    SmartGWT Version: SC_SNAPSHOT-2011-12-05/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2011-12-05)

    OS: Windows XP Pro
    IDE: MyEclipse 10.0 with Google Plugin for Eclipse (2.5)
    Browser: Mozilla Firefox 4.0.1
    GWT SDK: 2.4.0
    Sun JDK 1.6.0_27