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    HTML ImageMap shine through in TabSet

    Hi all, I´m using smartgwt 2.5 with GWT 2.4.

    In my application I have a TabSet with several Tabs each displaying some html page in a HTMLPane which contents is set via setContens() method. If one of the html pages contains an image map this image map shines through to the following tab. If I destroy the actual tab before rendering the new Tab all is working fine.
    Is there a known workaround? I already tried to add TabSelectedHandler and TabDeselectedHandler with style display:block and display:none but without success.
    This issue happens with Firefox 6 and Internet Explorer 9.

    Regards Rainer

    Can you post some standalone code ? and screenshot if they're relevant. I'm sure this will help the team to solve the problem if it's a bug


      Ok, I setup a testcase to demonstrate the problem. It is a bit complicated so let me explain how to reproduce.

      First I saved the html images in a folder where my testcase can read them. To reproduce you have to change the URLs in lines 145 and 245 to your concrete environment.
      Run the testcase. First you will see only one tab with one graph. You`ll find the image map as links on the legend of the chart. There are 14 entries in the legend. Now click button next --> A second tab appears which contains another chart with only three entries in its legend. Move the mouse around the legend and will see that the links, the imagemap is from chart 1. The correct image map of chart2 is not displayed. Because image maps are not visible I cannot show the problem.

      Thanks and regards

      Attached Files


        update: this only happens if you set contents via setContents(). If I save the html-file on the server and provide an URL everything works as expected

