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    SmartGWT Palette

    GWT designer is a great invention and there is a good tutorial available for it but for using SmartGWT paletter drag and drop facility , there isn't any tutorial nor any guideline available.

    I would appreciate, if someone can assist or share some good tutorial on it.

    See FAQ - we don't recommend using GWT Designer with SmartGWT, and we provide 2 more productive options.


      Originally posted by Isomorphic
      See FAQ - we don't recommend using GWT Designer with SmartGWT, and we provide 2 more productive options.
      Please share the other two more productive options.

      My requirement is as :

      Need help in SmartGUI layout issue mentioned below:

      In my project , i have the requirement of creating a form having tabs
      on it and this form has
      a ComboBox. TextBox and a Button on it,

      Unable to make it using SmartGWT drag and drop GUI facility in

      I have made a entry point class that is extended from Canvas.I am
      putting above mentioned widgets on VLayout,HLayout but unable to get
      the desired one.

      However, i am getting the desired results but stuck in the place as shown in the code in which i am getting the widgets in vertical position but i want to get them in horizontal position. Kindly guide , how can i fix it

      public void onModuleLoad() {
      		RootPanel rootPanel = RootPanel.get();
      		rootPanel.setSize("800%", "800%");
      		this.canvas = new Canvas();
      		this.canvas.setSize("722px", "468px");
      		dynamicForm = new DynamicForm();
      		CanvasItem canvasItem = new CanvasItem("newCanvasItem_1", "New CanvasItem");
      		hStack = new HStack();
      		btnNewButton = new com.smartgwt.client.widgets.Button("New Button");
      		dynamicForm.setFields(new FormItem[] { new ComboBoxItem("newComboBoxItem_2", "New ComboBoxItem"), new TextItem("newTextItem_3", "New TextItem"), canvasItem});
      		dynamicForm.setRect(31, 23, 424, 200);
      		rootPanel.add(this.canvas, 116, 10);
      Kindly suggest how can i make it and sequence of doing it.

      Smart GWT version : 2.5


        Originally posted by Isomorphic
        See FAQ - we don't recommend using GWT Designer with SmartGWT, and we provide 2 more productive options.

        Purpose of using this forum is beyond understanding because there is no support at all or not been entertained any time. At least, basic queries should be answered and it will help your product to get promoted and marketed at free of cost but very strange kind of forum is that in which people view the post but don't reply.

        It's really unprofessional as only the selected people got their queries to be answered by the support.


          Aside from those with commercial support, the "selected people" getting their questions answered are the ones who have read the introductory documentation (QuickStart) and who actually read material they have been referred to. Behave likewise and you can join this elite group.


            Originally posted by Isomorphic
            Aside from those with commercial support, the "selected people" getting their questions answered are the ones who have read the introductory documentation (QuickStart) and who actually read material they have been referred to. Behave likewise and you can join this elite group.
            We respect your concern.

