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    js exception without any additiona info

    I have somehow created a Tab in a Tab set that causes a js exception when I select it. The tab Pane is blank and this message appears in my Eclipse log, but not in the GWT Developer Console or in the SC dev console.

    Uncaught JavaScript exception [uncaught exception: One or more exceptions caught, see full set in UmbrellaException#getCauses] in , line 0

    Strange, that should be impossible now, at least as far as JavaScript errors in framework code.

    What browser(s) have this problem?

    If it's reproducible in either Chrome or Firefox, you could set the Chrome Developer tools (hit F12) or Firebug to break on error and this would probably give you a stack.


      I'm not sure I know what I'm looking at in Firebug, or if this due to something else entirely, but when I stop on error I see this.
      reference to undefined property c.tM
      Line 4687
      function de(b){var c;return c=b,c.tM==Sfe||c.cM&&!!c.cM[1]?c.tS():c.toString?c.toString():yge}
      Other developers on the team have run into the same sort of error from my original post. We just installed a new build SmartClient Version: v8.2p_2012-05-09/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2012-05-09)

      We weren't seeing this before so it seems to be related to the new build.


        I cleared my browser cache, did a full local GWT compile and now it's working.


          Actually this didn't go away. The underlying problem had to do with a timing issue, referring to an object before it was created. But that code was in a try/catch block. I was using e.printStackTrace() in the catch block, but the trace didn't appear anywhere.

          It seems like there are some reports of problems like this with core GWT. For instance

          Anyway. I've managed to avoid it now.

