I have removed all the manual code that was creating, committing and rollback a transaction;
In my custom DataSource (AdminDataSource) the execute method is a follows:
So I reduced a lot of code here, and there are no manual commits, rollbacks or start or end transaction calls.
I also commented the line in the SecureIDACall to set the TransactionPolicy when instantiating the RPCManager for field level security.
So in the server.properties, uncommented the following: sql.Oracle.autoJoinTransactions:ALL. I have a DMI Handler where I now have the following:
This still returns 0 (NOT_SET) in the log. Am i setting the policy incorrectly?
In my custom DataSource (AdminDataSource) the execute method is a follows:
public DSResponse execute(DSRequest dsRequest)... { Connection conn = getTransactionConnection(dsRequest); JDBCOperations jdbcOps = new JDBCOperations(); jdbcOps.setUser(conn, "NICKLACHEY"); dsResponse.super.execute(dsRequest); return dsResponse; }
I also commented the line in the SecureIDACall to set the TransactionPolicy when instantiating the RPCManager for field level security.
So in the server.properties, uncommented the following: sql.Oracle.autoJoinTransactions:ALL. I have a DMI Handler where I now have the following:
int transPolicy = dsRequest.getRPCManager().getTransactionPolicy(); logger.debug("transaction policy: " + transPolicy);