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    client/server version mismatch


    I'm using smartgwtpower-3.0p.2012-05-02 and on the server side I've got this warning:

    === 2012-05-22 18:57:56,683 [ec-3] WARN RPCManager - client/server version mismatch. Client is version: v8.2p_2012-05-02, server is version: SC_SNAPSHOT-2012-03-09_v8.2p - mixing different client/server versions is generally not supported. If you've installed a more recent client version, try clearing the browser cache and reloading the page.

    I have two questions:

    1) Why the server and client versions are different although I deployed everything from the smartgwtpower-3.0p.2012-05-02 distribution?

    2) In case the client version is older, is it really necessary to clear the browser cache? Is it not enough to reload the page?
    In case the browser cache has to be cleared, how can be done automatically?


    1. due to caching, as you seem to have guessed.

    2. whether a reload is enough depends on what HTTP headers are being delivered with the cached assets. If they have Expires headers on them that indicate they are valid for a while the browser will not fetch them even on a reload. However some browsers honor Ctrl+Reload or Shift+Reload as a special reload where even Expires headers are not honored.

