I have now a DS-JPA Project. On this time, I need a RexExp on a Field. I added a regex validation in the DataSource XML-File description, but it does not work. I get a errormessage. Is there a chance to set a regexp as validation? I can't find information about that, how I describe it in XML.
My example project_DataSource.ds.xml:
If I delete now the validation in the mal-file,mel-file,xml-file, then the DS-JPA Project works well without validation in this field.
I have now a DS-JPA Project. On this time, I need a RexExp on a Field. I added a regex validation in the DataSource XML-File description, but it does not work. I get a errormessage. Is there a chance to set a regexp as validation? I can't find information about that, how I describe it in XML.
My example project_DataSource.ds.xml:
<DataSource ID="project_DataSource" serverConstructor="com.isomorphic.jpa.JPADataSource" beanClassName="com.detection.smiths.eapcfg.server.persistence.Project" > <fields> <field name="projectId" type="sequence" hidden="true" primaryKey="true" /> <field name="projectWA" type="text" title="WA" required="true" > <validators> <validator type="regexp" expression="^([a-zA-Z0-9_.\\-+])+@(([a-zA-Z0-9\\-])+\\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4}$" errorMessage="regex ERROR MEssage"/> </validators> </field> <field name="name" type="text" title="Name" required="true" /> ...
Uncaught JavaScript exception [invalid range in character class] in, line 1790