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    We aren't using a value map, we are using a DataSource.

    If we put "select '', '' from dual union " in front of our queries, we still get the string null when submitted.

    Please advise.



      We'll not sure the context of that SQL snippet, but if your optionDataSource contains a record where the valueField is an empty string (and not null) you should see "" used as the value for that SelectItem when that record is selected, and you can set the defaultValue to "" to ensure it's always got that value.

      Bigger picture, what you might want to do here is just grab the values from the form via getValues(), replace every null with "", and use low-level comm approaches like RPCRequest.params to contact your form submit URL.

      We're suggesting this because you are basically trying to force more sophisticated components to behave against their design, specifically, trying to undo a major feature advantage of our FormItems over HTML items (the ability to represent null) and trying to force RestDataSource to contact something that isn't really a REST service.


        As you suggested, we are now retrieving the values from the forms, manually generating a Record and passing the Record to the DataSource. This seems to be working well.

        Thanks again,

