I'm using smartGWT 3.0 version and have following problem:
I have TreeGrid that is bind with datasource recieveing data from server:
when I delete some node of that tree in other smartGWT widget, it's automatically removed also from tree, that's very good, problem occurs when I delete node that has some parent and that parent has only 1 child - then leaf is removed from tree but former parent node has still parent icon even it has no child.
When I refresh tree it's rendered correctly
Could you please advice me how to achieve automatic changing parent node type after children removing?
I'm using smartGWT 3.0 version and have following problem:
I have TreeGrid that is bind with datasource recieveing data from server:
TreeGrid projectTree = new TreeGrid(); final Tree tree = new Tree(); tree.setModelType(TreeModelType.PARENT); tree.setNameProperty(CampaignProjectDescriptor.NAME); tree.setIdField(CampaignProjectDescriptor.ID); tree.setParentIdField(CampaignProjectDescriptor.PARENT + "." + CampaignProjectDescriptor.ID); tree.setDefaultIsFolder(false); projectTree.setDataProperties(tree);
When I refresh tree it's rendered correctly
Could you please advice me how to achieve automatic changing parent node type after children removing?