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    TypeError when calling CubeGrid.exportClientData()

    I'm getting a JavaScript TypeError when calling exportClientData() on a CubeGrid object. The message is: "_2 is undefined". I verified this being a problem of SmartGWT by creating a new Power/EE showcase example which is attached. A simple workaround is to supply a (dummy) DSRequest object as argument. It occurs both in development mode and when compiled.

    SmartGWT/Client version: v8.2p_2012-06-12/PowerEdition Deployment

    Internet Explorer 6 stack trace:
    	''$90b' is leeg of geen object'
    	at line 3940
        Canvas.exportClientDataReply(_1=>Array[3], _2=>undef)
        callback(data=>Array[3], context=>undef)
        [c]Class.fireCallback(_1=>"isc_CubeGrid_0.exportClientDataReply(dat..."[50], _2=>"data,context", _3=>Array[2], _4=>[CubeGrid ID:isc_CubeGrid_0], _5=>undef) on [Class CubeGrid]
        Class.fireCallback(_1=>"isc_CubeGrid_0.exportClientDataReply(dat..."[50], _2=>"data,context", _3=>Array[2], _4=>undef)
        CubeGrid.getClientExportData(_1=>undef, _2=>"isc_CubeGrid_0.exportClientDataReply(dat..."[50])
        Canvas.exportClientData(_1=>undef, _2=>undef)
        StatefulCanvas.handleActivate(_1=>Obj, _2=>undef)
        StatefulCanvas.handleClick(_1=>Obj, _2=>undef)
        [c]EventHandler.bubbleEvent(_1=>[IButton ID:isc_IButton_1], _2=>"click", _3=>undef, _4=>undef)
        [c]EventHandler.handleClick(_1=>[IButton ID:isc_IButton_1], _2=>undef)
        [c]EventHandler.$k5(_1=>Obj{type:error}, _2=>undef)
        [c]EventHandler.handleMouseUp(_1=>Obj{type:error}, _2=>undef)
        [c]EventHandler.dispatch(_1=>[c]EventHandler.handleMouseUp(), _2=>Obj{type:error})
            "if (!isc.Browser.isIE && event == null) return;var returnVal=arguments.callee.$ch.isc.EH.dispatch(arguments.callee.$j2,event);return returnVal;"
    Attached Files

    This component doesn't support exportClientData() - it would be very complicated to get any kind of WYSIWYG display of a CubeGrid in Excel, and basically not possible in CSV.

    This is something you could sponsor if you need it; otherwise, you can get a non-WYSIWYG export of the data shown in the cube (just as a flat record set) via DataSource.exportData().


      In that case, wouldn't it be better to have CubeGrid's exportClientData() method log a message about that they can't be used for CubeGrids?

      Nevertheless, this method does create flat representations of the cube (just the cells displayed as they are). And in this context, I find it strange that exportClientData() fails with a TypeError whereas exportClientData(new DSRequest()) works as expected. You are correct in that one cannot change facets or expand hierarchical facet values after export but that was never my aim.


        You're right that the basics should be working, and we've made a change to avoid the error you were seeing if no request properties were passed in. This will hit nightlies over the next week or so, in the meantime a dummy dsRequest is fine.

        We will also be explicitly calling this method out as being technically "unsupported" in the docs - it is basically functional but not extensively tested and has various limitations.

