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    Ignoring the following script tags in the gwt.xml file (sc/modules/ISC_Core.js, ...)

    I want to know if there is something wrong in my project. When I run the project in the Eclipse console appears the following traces:

    Linking modules
    Bootstrap link for command-line module 'com.testcases.smartgwt.multifileitem.MultiFileItemTestCase'
    Linking module 'multifileitemtestcase'
    Invoking Linker Cross-Site-Iframe
    Ignoring the following script tags in the gwt.xml file
    Invoking Linker SmartGwtScriptInjector
    Creating loadScriptTagFiles.js to manually load the following script tags:

    Later when I open then link in the browser and check the browser console, I find the next trace pointing that the most likely cause of this error must be that I'm importing a NoScript version of the smartGWT library but I'm not. Can you help me to understand what's going wrong? If I import the manually the project works but I want to understand if there is somthing to be fixed:

    com.smartgwt.client.core.JsObject$SGWT_WARN: Core SmartClient JavaScript libraries appear not to be loaded.
    If inheriting the NoScript SmartGWT modules, verify that the HTML file includes <script src=...> tags to load the SmartClient module .js files from the appropriate location within the WAR.

    My xxx.gwt.xml file contains the following inherits:
    <!-- Other module inherits -->
    <inherits name="com.smartgwt.SmartGwt" />
    <!-- This inherit at the very begining was not here and the problem was the same -->
    <inherits name="" />

    Find attached an Eclipse sample project to reproduce what I said. I've removed all the libraries needed to be able to upload the project but will be straight forward to know which libraries are missing.

    Thank you very much

    The strange linker output is normal if you're using GWT 2.7. The new default linker in GWT 2.7 ignores the script tags that we rely on in our gwt.xml files (generating the first bit of output), but then our own code creates a separate file to force load the skipped tags (which is the second bit of strange output you report). If you can run with GWT 2.6 to test your project, you should note that those messages aren't there.

    So that output is expected, and it shouldn't be the cause of any failure.

    You haven't included the HTML file for your project, or told us what version of SGWT you're using. The first is critical to provide in this situation.



      I'm using the newest version. My doubt was because I haven't seen this message before and I was thinking that maybe it was something not properly done by me but it's ok if it's the way the library works now.

      Thanks for your answer.

