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    IE 11 cant' draw a simple Layout

    Hi Isomorphic,

    We are using SmartGWT Pro 4.1 branch (04/10/2015 nightly build or 09/23/2015 nightly build).

    The Layout in the code below is not drawing in IE 11.0.9600.17843, but works in all other browsers.

    In IE the jsp page has the following lines in the header:
    <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=9">
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

    Please see the attached code.

    The error in IE console:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	ie-error.jpg
Views:	141
Size:	34.0 KB
ID:	231591

    Can you please tell us what we can change to make it work?


    We will take a look.
    FYI - A quick fix may be to simply call 'draw()' before calling 'getVertical()' - the error looks like it may be a case of an attempt being made from 'getVertical()' to access the widget in JavaScript space before it has been initialized and drawing the widget prior to that call would resolve the issue if this is the case.

    Regardless we'll follow up with more detail when we have taken a look


      We aren't able to reproduce this issue on our end.
      Can you please confirm
      - are you encountering this problem in development mode, super-dev mode, or compiled mode
      - to rule out staleness, can you confirm that you can reproduce this issue on the latest 4.1p nightly if you clear your browser cache before loading the app. Also if you show the developer console and evaluate "isc.version" / "isc.buildDate" do you get the expected results?
      - which OS are you seeing this on?
      - is it 100% reproducible with the attached entryPoint class, or are their any other steps to reproduce?

      Lastly, if nothing above happens to lead to a realization of how to resolve this issue, could you show us your .gwt.xml file and your full HTML file which loads the attached test case

      Isomorphic Software


        1. This problem is happening in the compiled mode. It doesn’t happened in super-dev mode because it is using the Firefox and it works fine in Firefox
        2. We can reproduce this issue on your latest 4.1p nightly build that was downloaded yesterday
        3. Windows 7
        4. 100 % reproducible
        5. All requested files attached
        Attached Files


          Hmm - we can't reproduce this issue on Windows 7 / IE11, using the latest 4.1p [EE] build and your exact test case.
          The .jsp does load some CSS we don't have but it seems very unlikely this would be the deciding factor.

          Your approach of writing out meta tags to change the browser rendering behavior isn't really supported - we recommend using the HTML5 doctype for all browsers and not setting any meta tags (as IE11 running in IE9 rendering mode isn't actually identical to how IE9 behaves in all ways so you can run into edge case bugs this way) -- but again this seems unlikely to be the culprit for the issue you're describing.

          At this point, it's not clear how to proceed on our end. Without a way to see the problem in action there's not much we can do.
          A few things you could try on your end:

          - remove the css and see if it has an impact
          - set the HTML5 doctype on your .jsp, and remove the logic which writes out meta tags
          - clear browser cache, and clear GWT unit-cache in eclipse. Also verify the version you're testing against is what you think it is by evaluating isc.version in the dev console

          Also, you should try our suggestion of moving the 'getVisible()' call in your code after the 'draw()' call to see if that resolves the problem for you.

          Isomorphic Software


            Seems that I've fixed my issue by creating a local variable in my code, a fixed code attached.

