This isn't built-in functionality, you would need to build something like this via composing basic components and implementing drag and drop handling for the Slider thumbs.
You know, I keep on running into the same problem with my clients.
They just refuse to pay a few bucks to somebody like Isomorphic for a new feature, but they are OK paying me 40 hours to research alternatives.
What kind of sense does that make?
Heck, at $25/hr, that's $1k.
And if a feature costed $2k, we could always co-sponsor a feature, right?
What I would like to have is a "sense-injector" syringe control, so I could give my clients a shot of reason once in a while!
Anybody wanna co-sponsor that with me?
At any rate, blah blah, complain complain complain...
Harsha is quite correct - the support service allows for unlimited questions and unlimited bugfixes, we can't throw in on-demand development as well. Use our other services (Feature Sponsorship for example) for that.
shortpasta is also quite right :) That kind of thinking is very common and it is not unusual for a company to decline to sponsor something then spend 5x more to develop something worse, not to mention maintenance cost.