Hi Isomorphic,
please see the testcase from this thread, but with your working employeesUpload.ds.xml from here.
I'm using SNAPSHOT_v10.1d_2015-10-14/PowerEdition Deployment in FF26 DevMode.
I have two - possibly unrelated - errors here for one request:
Upload the file with the error (1 row has an error, 1 row is fine) and commit (1 row will be saved).
Now change the primaryKey-IDs in the .csv and fix the NOTKNOWN to "Charles Madigan".
If you upload this file now again, you'll see this as request (not response):
I don't see why the errors should be transferred - neither as data nor as oldValues.
Error #2:
I also got this response once (not always) while repeating the steps:
See the screenshot for this. I don't know what this means or where it comes from. I did not get a message in the GUI.
The BatchUploader Grid is empty afterwards.
Best regards
please see the testcase from this thread, but with your working employeesUpload.ds.xml from here.
I'm using SNAPSHOT_v10.1d_2015-10-14/PowerEdition Deployment in FF26 DevMode.
I have two - possibly unrelated - errors here for one request:
Upload the file with the error (1 row has an error, 1 row is fine) and commit (1 row will be saved).
Now change the primaryKey-IDs in the .csv and fix the NOTKNOWN to "Charles Madigan".
If you upload this file now again, you'll see this as request (not response):
{ dataSource:"batchUpload", operationType:"update", operationId:"upload", componentId:"isc_DynamicForm_0", data:{ file:"Testdata.csv", dsName:"employeesUpload", delimiter:",", quoteString:"\"", dataFormat:"csv", discardedColumns:[ ], [B]errors:[ { errors:{ ReportsTo:[ "Must be a whole number.", "Unknown ReportsTo" ] }, rowNum:0 } ][/B], gridRows:[ { Name:"Michael Mann", Job:"Developer", Gender:"male", ReportsTo:4, EmployeeId:7033, employeeName:"Charles Madigen" }, { Name:"Ray Sun", Job:"IT-Infrastructure", ReportsTo:4, EmployeeId:8033, employeeName:"Charles Madigen" } ] }, textMatchStyle:"exact", callback:{ target:[DynamicForm ID:isc_DynamicForm_0], methodName:"saveEditorReply" }, showPrompt:true, prompt:"Saving form...", oldValues:{ dsName:"employeesUpload", delimiter:",", quoteString:"\"", dataFormat:"csv", file:null, discardedColumns:[ ], [B]errors:[ { errors:{ ReportsTo:[ "Must be a whole number.", "Unknown ReportsTo" ] }, rowNum:0 } ][/B], gridRows:[ { Name:"Michael Mann", Job:"Developer", Gender:"male", ReportsTo:4, EmployeeId:7033, employeeName:"Charles Madigen" }, { Name:"Ray Sun", Job:"IT-Infrastructure", ReportsTo:4, EmployeeId:8033, employeeName:"Charles Madigen" } ] }, requestId:"batchUpload$62720", clientContext:{ saveDataTarget:{ ns:Obj, creator:[BatchUploader ID:isc_BatchUploader_0], ID:"isc_BatchUploader_0_uploadForm", saveOperationType:"update", width:1182, fields:Array[5], position:"absolute", className:"normal", height:20, items:Array[5], values:Obj, originalFields:Array[5], children:Array[1], errors:Obj, parentElement:[BatchUploader ID:isc_BatchUploader_0], topElement:[Window ID:isc_Window_0], tabIndex:1280, ruleScope:"isc_Window_0", cacheOffsetCoords:true, zIndex:200198, dataSource:"batchUpload" } }, internalClientContext:{ }, fallbackToEval:false, afterFlowCallback:"isc_DynamicForm_0.$49z(dsRequest, dsResponse, data)", directSubmit:true, submitForm:[DynamicForm ID:isc_DynamicForm_0], editor:[DynamicForm ID:isc_DynamicForm_0], lastClientEventThreadCode:"MUP7", bypassCache:true, dataProtocol:"getParams" }
Error #2:
I also got this response once (not always) while repeating the steps:
{ affectedRows:0, data:{ discardedColumns:[ ], errors:[ "Index: 6, Size: 6\n\nSee the log for more details about this error." ], gridRows:null }, invalidateCache:false, isDSResponse:true, operationType:"update", queueStatus:0, status:0 }
The BatchUploader Grid is empty afterwards.
Best regards