I'm seeing the following warning logged for a SelectItem if it uses an option DataSource and the DataSource contains a record where the value field (animalId) is 0.
I'm using SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v10.1d_2015-10-20/Pro Deployment (built 2015-10-20).
I did notice that if I change animalId from an integer field to a text field in the AnimalXmlDS, the warning is not logged.
Entry Point:
I'm seeing the following warning logged for a SelectItem if it uses an option DataSource and the DataSource contains a record where the value field (animalId) is 0.
10:02:51.846:TMR3:WARN:fetchMissingValues:isc_SelectItem_1[Animal]:Deriving valueMap for 'animalId' from dataSource based on displayField 'animalName'. This dataSource contains more than one record with animalId set to 0 with differing animalName values. Derived valueMap is therefore unpredictable.
I did notice that if I change animalId from an integer field to a text field in the AnimalXmlDS, the warning is not logged.
Entry Point:
public void onModuleLoad() { final DynamicForm form = new DynamicForm(); form.setWidth(500); SelectItem animal = new SelectItem("Animal"); animal.setOptionDataSource(AnimalXmlDS.getInstance()); animal.setValueField("animalId"); animal.setDisplayField("animalName"); form.setItems(animal); form.draw(); }
public class AnimalXmlDS extends DataSource { private static AnimalXmlDS instance = null; public static AnimalXmlDS getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new AnimalXmlDS("animalDS"); } return instance; } public AnimalXmlDS(String id) { setID(id); setRecordXPath("/List/animal"); DataSourceIntegerField animalIdField = new DataSourceIntegerField("animalId"); animalIdField.setHidden(true); animalIdField.setPrimaryKey(true); DataSourceTextField animalNameField = new DataSourceTextField("animalName"); setFields(animalIdField, animalNameField); setDataURL("ds/test_data/"); setClientOnly(true); } }
<List> <animal> <animalId>0</animalId> <animalName>Cat</animalName> </animal> <animal> <animalId>1</animalId> <animalName>Dog</animalName> </animal> <animal> <animalId>2</animalId> <animalName>Giraffe</animalName> </animal> <animal> <animalId>3</animalId> <animalName>Goat</animalName> </animal> <animal> <animalId>4</animalId> <animalName>Marmoset</animalName> </animal> <animal> <animalId>5</animalId> <animalName>Mouse</animalName> </animal> </List>