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    ListGrid in editMode takes more space for edited row making other rows jump

    Hi Isomorphic,

    please see this online showcase example. As you can see, the ListGrid content below the row being edited jumps a bit down once you enter the edit mode.
    This happens the same way in my Simplicity based skin with larger rows where this is more annoying and perceived as an error.
    I tried to find the reason for this in the generated html using FF26/GC46 F12 tools but did not succeed.
    The only difference seems to be that the height setting is moved from an explicit html attribute when displaying to a style-attribute rule when editing.

    Best regards

    The slight height difference comes from the fact that we don't clip the contents of an edit-row, we allow the FormItems to render at their natural height and ensure the row expands to accomodate them if necessary.
    You can address this by increasing the cellHeight of the grid as a whole, or decreasing the heights of the form items that get written out.

