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    Misunderstanding behaviour change when upgrading SmartGWT version


    I have a problem I am not able to identify any cause. I hope you'll can help me to point it out.

    I have 2 different views :
    - a list view where I list my items, with a button to create a new item and a button to view the details of an existing item.
    - a detail view containing a form with the different values of the item and with an editable listGrid with a add button. Top of this view I have a "save" button and a "back to list" button.

    "view details" button just calls form.editRecord(selectedRecord) and form.setCanEdit(true)
    "create new" button calls form.clearValues(), form.editNewRecord() and then form.setCanEdit(true)
    "save" button calls form.saveData() and then form.editRecord(selectedRecord) and form.setCanEdit(false)
    "back to list" button just display again the list view
    "add" button add a new editable line in the list grid

    ​My use case is :
    - open list view
    - select an item and "view details"
    - save (with or without modification)
    - back to list
    - create new item
    - click on add button

    The expected behaviour is to have a new editable line in the list grid. That was the result obtained with the previous SmartGWT version we used (from december 2014).
    But we recently updated our version to the nov. 20th version and now, at the end, the new editable row is not created. More precisely, the new row is not visible. But if I click on a column header to sort the grid, then the line appear. But remains not editable.

    I am neither able to find what can have changed between the 2 versions nor to understand why this happens or how to correct it.

    Maybe could you give me a clue to help me to point out the problem? I do not know what to do...

    Unfortunately, there's not much we can do with the information you provided. Each API you refer to is very commonly used - if any were malfunctioning in an obvious way, we would have many reports of the problem. And there are also many automated tests and samples that use these APIs, all functioning normally.

    The advice we can give is:
    1. make sure you have checked the Developer Console for warnings or errors
    2. make sure your parameters to startEditing() or startEditingNew(), if any, are valid. Perhaps you've been passing an index beyond the end of the grid, and this invalid parameter happened to work anyway in older versions.

    If this advice doesn't help, the best thing to do is to try to re-create the problem by starting from a Showcase example.


      I don't think I'm able to re-create the problem from a ShowCase example.
      I was just asking the question in case you have already seen a similar problem or if you have an idea of any change that can have led to this behaviour.
      I'll continue to try to find the cause on my side.

      But I very don't understand why the same form with the same grid doesn't have the same behaviour after a saveData() or not.


        That doesn't make sense to us either, and unfortunately, the source of the problem appears to be somewhere in the code that you haven't shared. We can't do anything further with the limited information you've provided so far.

