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    How to diable auto fill data on text items(Like Password textItem).

    Hi Isomorphic,

    We are using Smart Gwt-5.x
    Browser: Chrome

    Issue :Auto fill data is not able to disable on text items(Like Password text Items).

    Following properties I tried but not achieved.

    PasswordItem pwdTextItem = new PasswordItem ();
    pwdTextItem.setAttribute( "autocomplete", "off" );

    Please let us know if any solution is available.

    Best Regards,

    Last edited by vnathank; 4 Dec 2015, 03:33.

    Screen shot attached.
    Attached Files


      Chrome and other browsers have various heuristics for how they figure out if a given field is the right field to provide autofill data such as addresses and passwords. Most of it is based on the native <input> control's name. Your code above, which entirely omits a name, definitely would not be expected to work. Chrome and other browsers also have limitations as to whether they can provide autofill for form fields that are created on the fly, as opposed to rendered when the page first loads.

      If you can point to a particular scenario where Chrome can fill in a *dynamically* created plain HTML form, and by mimicking this HTML with SmartClient (including using appropriate field names) you are unable to get autofill to work, we can take a look.

