in case someone wants to use Isomorphic's .ds.xml l10n in combination with the Eclipse XML formatter (like me), here is the Ant task from my build.xml I use to convert the <title>/<errorMessage>-tags to the correct format.
<target name="formatDSFiles" description="Remove Eclipse source formatting for two tags from .ds.xml files"> <echo>Reformatting title/errorMessage fmt:message-tags in war/ds directory</echo> <!-- See --> <!-- Inserting tabs does not work, therefore they need to be captured --> <replaceregexp preserveLastModified="true" flags="g"> <regexp pattern="(\t\t\t)<title>\r\n\t\t\t\t<fmt:message key="(.*?)" />\r\n\t\t\t</title>" /> <substitution expression="\1<title><fmt:message key="\2" /></title>" /> <fileset dir="war/ds"> <include name="*.ds.xml" /> </fileset> </replaceregexp> <replaceregexp preserveLastModified="true" flags="g"> <regexp pattern="(\t\t\t\t\t)<errorMessage>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<fmt:message key="(.*?)" />\r\n\t\t\t\t\t</errorMessage>" /> <substitution expression="\1<errorMessage><fmt:message key="\2" /></errorMessage>" /> <fileset dir="war/ds"> <include name="*.ds.xml" /> </fileset> </replaceregexp> </target>
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