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    Bug 5.1p: Scrolling with windows 10 Touch Devices


    if you use a touch device like an Asus t100 chi... you can not scroll in smartGWT applications. Touch Scrolling does not work and you can not use the scrollbars.... the up and down buttons do not work.

    You can see this in your 5.1p show case. You can try listGrid, Dynamic Forms and navigation trees. There's no scrolling possible. On my Android Cellphone I can scroll.

    Best wishes

    Another small issue for windows 10 touch devices is the selection of navi items in a navigation tree (TreeGrid).

    Most mobile advices are really slow... so the selection of a new navigation point can take 2-5 seconds on those devices. This issue is only important for those slower devices. It appears on firefox and chrome but not on the edge browser.

    On edge it is as follows:
    1. You choose a navigation item via touch entry
    2. A mouse over selection of the navi item appears directly
    3. After 2-5 Seconds... the selected navigation item will appear as seletected (The selection effect switches from mouse over to selected)

    On Chrome and Firefox:
    1. You choose a navigation item via touch entry
    2. Nothing happens for 2-5 Seconds, no mouse over appears and the user is wondering if his touching has any effect
    3. After 2-5 Seconds... the selected navigation item will appear as seletected

    If your device is really slow and if you see no visual change for around 5 Seconds... you will try it again multiple times. This you can reproduce on your showcase.

