I seem to be unable to find a key which expands a closed section item using the keyboard. The focus is clearly visible in the section header but regardless of the key I try (I assume space or enter needs to do the trick) the section never gets expanded.
We are on SNAPSHOT_v8.3d_2012-07-03/Pro Deployment (built 2012-07-03).
This behavior can be illustrated with the following sample.
Can you please advise on how I can tackle this one?
I seem to be unable to find a key which expands a closed section item using the keyboard. The focus is clearly visible in the section header but regardless of the key I try (I assume space or enter needs to do the trick) the section never gets expanded.
We are on SNAPSHOT_v8.3d_2012-07-03/Pro Deployment (built 2012-07-03).
This behavior can be illustrated with the following sample.
public Canvas getViewPanel() { final DynamicForm form = new DynamicForm(); form.setWidth(300); form.setAutoFocus(true); form.setCanTabToSectionHeaders(true); TextItem firstItem = new TextItem(); firstItem.setName("itemName"); firstItem.setTitle("Item"); TextItem itemName = new TextItem(); itemName.setName("itemName"); itemName.setTitle("Item"); TextAreaItem descriptionItem = new TextAreaItem(); descriptionItem.setName("descriptionItem"); descriptionItem.setTitle("Description"); TextItem priceItem = new TextItem(); priceItem.setType("float"); priceItem.setName("priceItem"); priceItem.setTitle("Price"); priceItem.setDefaultValue("low"); SectionItem section1 = new SectionItem(); section1.setDefaultValue("Item"); section1.setSectionExpanded(false); section1.setItemIds("itemName", "descriptionItem", "priceItem"); CheckboxItem inStock = new CheckboxItem(); inStock.setName("inStock"); inStock.setTitle("In Stock"); DateItem nextShipment = new DateItem(); nextShipment.setName("nextShipment"); nextShipment.setTitle("Next Shipment"); nextShipment.setUseTextField(true); nextShipment.setDefaultValue(256); SectionItem section2 = new SectionItem(); section2.setDefaultValue("Stock"); section2.setSectionExpanded(false); section2.setItemIds("inStock", "nextShipment"); form.setFields(firstItem, section1, itemName, descriptionItem, priceItem, section2, inStock, nextShipment); form.draw(); return form; }