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    Tilegrid bug safari, confirmed in showcase

    Be sure your post includes:

    1. the *complete* SmartGWT or SmartClient version from the lower left-hand corner of the Developer Console (see FAQ for how to open Developer Console), for example, \"v8.2p_2012-04-18/PowerEdition Deployment\"
    Smartgwt 3.0

    2. browser(s) and version(s) involved
    Safari Version 5.1.7 (6534.57.2)

    3. for a server-side problem, the *complete* logs generated during processing of the failing request (do *not* trim to just the error message)
    Not a server-side problem

    4. for any problem processing a server response, the actual response as shown in the RPC tab in the Developer Console
    Not a server response problem

    5. if there is a JavaScript error, the stack trace logged in the Developer Console (see FAQ)

    6. sample code if applicable

    Posts with incomplete information are much more likely to be ignored.

    Hi, I have a strange issue with my tilegrid and I've confirmed it is a bug checking the showcase, when I go to:
    in Safari Safari Version 5.1.7 (6534.57.2) and OS: Mac OS X 10.6.8 the tilegrid only shows undefined in each tile, however sometimes it shows the tiles correctly but when you move to the home tab, then go back to the basic Tab
    and roll over the tiles they become undefined,
    Checking with the web inspector i see:

    <div id="isc_H6" eventproxy="isc_TileGrid_2_tile_8" style="position: relative; visibility: inherit; z-index: 202682; cursor: default; ">undefined</div>

    Firefox and Chrome works ok but our client uses Safari, I would really appreciate your help.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by danigt; 17 Jul 2012, 07:48.

    Did I miss something?

    Isn't this reproducible?


      Yes, it's reproducible, but only on MacOS (not with Windows Safari 5.1.7), and even on MacOS it wasn't a problem in Safari 5.0.4. Looks like Apple has introduced some kind of platform-specific bug. We'll take a look but this may be one where you have to wait for Apple to fix it.



        Thanks for the answer, just please keep me posted about this


          Any news on this? Are we still waiting on Apple because that seem like it could be a long wait :-/ It is still an issue in Safari 6.0.


            Is this still being treated as a bug in Safari? If so, is there an Apple knowledge base article I can point to? The application I'm writing depends heavily on TileGrids, which are not working reliably with Safari on Macs.
            Is there a potential workaround?


              We have a workaround which we'll be adding to the next nightly build (3.1d branch). Please let us know if you continue to have problems with this going forward.

              Isomorphic Software


                I thought that this was fixed, but a user just reported that they are still seeing the same issue.
                The app is running on SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v8.3d_2012-10-09/Enterprise Deployment (built 2012-10-09)

                OS Version 10.8.2, Safari Version 6.0.1


                  If it's only one user, can you have that user clear the browser cache? The most likely explanation for just one user having a problem is just stale files.


                    Sadly, the bug still exists after clearing the cache.
                    I've tried it on two test Macs as well, reproducing the issue. Is there any information from the debug or developer consoles that would help?
                    I apologize for the delay in feedback. I thought that one of my Mac users had verified that the issue was resolved.


                      Are you seeing that the problem is corrected on some Macs but not others? Which ones work and don't?


                        All are reporting now that it does not work.
                        I have an earlier version Mac at home. I'll check there.
                        Is there a version (MacOS + Safari combination) that you know to work? It's unlikely that the users would switch, but it would be good information to know.


                          Our fix worked for 5.1.7 (the original version you reported as broken). Maybe Apple broke it again in a new way; we'll take a look).


                            We've revisited this with the latest 3.1d branch nightly build (downloaded from, and dated October 23 -- reported isc.version string: "v8.3d_2012-10-23/LGPL Development Only"), Using Safari 6.0 on a mac and we are not reproducing the problem.

                            Before we applied the workaround the problem was easy to reproduce and would occur with pretty much any tileGrid, though it was intermittent. We now don't see it at all.

                            It is possible that we're not following the correct series of steps to have the bug manifest. What we did was:

                            - download and unzip the nightly package
                            - create a new Java project from Eclipse, selecting the "from existing source" option, and navigate to the showcase in the unzipped package
                            - modify the project properties to add the two smartgwt jar files to the build path, and to enable Google Web Toolkit
                            - right click and run as web application
                            - (verify the app loads in dev mode on a browser that supports this such as Firefox)
                            - right click and run Google > GWT Compile
                            - open Safari and navigate to
                            (Home page shows up fine)
                            - from the tree on the left, open "data view / tiling" and select "basic"
                            (The tileGrid shows up fine with car images and text)
                            - switch tabs back to home and back to the basic tileGrid tab - everything still looks fine.

                            Do you see anything here which doesn't jibe with how you are testing this issue?

                            Isomorphic Software


                              I see the problem using Safari 5.1.7, with the build from 10/9.
                              I will retest with the latest build.
                              I will also try going through the exact steps you've done with the showcase, to verify that it's not something app-specific.


