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    Trouble with blurItem()

    1. SmartClient Version: v9.1p_2015-07-30/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2015-07-30)
    2. Chrome Version 48.0.2564.97
    6. Please see attached:

    Why is it that even when I call blurItem() to remove focus from a form item, the DynamicForm the item was added to still returns that item when getFocusedItem() is called? Shouldn't it return null if the item has lost focus?

    I've attached a working sample. I am currently using smartgwt version 4.1-p20150730. The problem persists for version 5.1 as well.
    Attached Files

    See the docs for getFocusItem() - it will return the item that would have focus <b>if the form has focus or receives focus</b>. So the behavior is correct; if you're trying to determine whether a form has focus, us form.isFocused().

