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    Chrome dropover support


    We have a situation in which Chrome (and even Safari) will randomly (eg 50% of the time) fail to trigger the dropOverHandler support in SmartGWT, but Firefox never fails. We can't figure it out. The problem does not appear in the SmartGWT showcase. As near as we can tell, the differences between our very involved code and the simple example in showcase is that:

    1) we have an image on top of a "drawpane" object and both the image and the drawpane object have "dropOverHandlers".

    Our question is: has anyone seen this or experienced something similar? Does this sound like something that SmartGWT may have encountered before and a fix is in the works?

    It's non-trivial to design a minimilast test case, since the code is so buried with a lot of other stuff. However, I can easily provide access to the application via a simple url, username, and password (and share the relevant code if it were to help) and you can easily see the problem for yourself when comparing Chrome vs Firefox.

    Additional details:
    OS: Windows XP Pro
    IDE: MyEclipse 10.0 with Google Plugin for Eclipse (2.5)
    SmartGWT EE 3.0p
    Browwer: Mozilla Firefox 4.0.1 vs Chrome 20.0.1132.57 m
    GWT SDK: 2.5.0rc1
    Sun JDK 1.6.30

    Not a familiar issue. If you think it may be related to an Img over a DrawPane, we'd recommend just trying to reproduce it standalone with those two widgets as a first step toward giving us a way to see the problem.

