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    SmartGWT TextItem Problem

    My SmartGwt Version - SmartClient Version: v10.0p_2016-02-12/LGPL Development Only (built 2016-02-12)
    My GWT Version - 2.6.1

    I have a bunch of TextItems inside a dynamicform which is DS bound. On save action if any of the text boxes does not have a value the string "null" is being sent in the DSRequest and hence displayed back to the user in the unedited textItems.

    I cannot do a check on the server for if the value equals "null" because supposedly "null" is a valid name :-) .. What options do i have to fix this , is there a way i can override SmartGWT to send "" empty or a null object instead of sending "null" string ?

    Any help woyld be really appreciated


    We have no idea what kind of DataSource you are using or where you are seeing the null value.


      The null value is being sent as part of the DS request if no value is entered in the textitem . The dynamicform containing the textitem is bound to a RestDataSource .

      My question is if no value is entered in the textitem why is "null" string sent as part of the request and not null object or empty string


        If you try a simple test, you'll see this doesn't happen, so let us know if you can provide a minimal, ready-to-run testcase that demonstrates the problem and has been tested against the latest patched build.

