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    Diagram zoom

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Name:	Bildschirmfoto 2016-03-22 um 18.00.45.png
Views:	49
Size:	227.8 KB
ID:	236082Please see the attached screenshot.
    The zoom area and the chart are very different:

    1) The light blue line (under 0) is not shown in the zoom chart
    2) In the chart, the green and the red line are very near to each other. However, in the zoom chart, the green line is alone and the red line is together with the dark blue line.
    How is this possible ?

    Using smartgwt 5.1p 22.03 power

    We can't do much with just a screenshot, but as a first guess, if the zoom chart is using log scaling but the main chart is not, everything below 0 would be cut off, and lines toward the top of the chart would come closer together.


      I am using the default zoom chart, so if it uses log scaling, yes, this should be the reason.
      But in the docs I read: "Logarithmic scaling is automatically disabled if the dataset spans zero (eg, has negative and positive values) as this can't be shown in a logarithmic scale. " Is this then incorrect?

      And to 2): Please compare the main chart to the zoom chart. They appear to be very different, even if using log scaling. The red and dark blue lines get closer, but NOT the green line, which stays alone. This distorsions are not normal even for log scaling, or am I incorrect?


        Log scaling would explain some lines getting closer together while others get further apart, but what it does not explain is that the red and green lines overlap in the main chart and don't in the bottom chart. We don't have an explanation for that, and again there's not much analysis we can do with a screenshot - we need enough information to be able to reproduce the problem.

        The same goes for the (possible) use of log scaling when the dataset disallows it. It looks as if somehow you've got a totally different dataset in your zoom chart as compared to your main chart, but with just a screenshot, we can't figure out how that happened.

