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    Comprehension Question: RPCManager-Callback and DSRequest-Callback execution order

    Hi Isomorphic,

    could you explain if I am guaranteed a certain execution order of callbacks (using 5.1p)? Neither sendQueue() nor the docs at the top of the document mention this.
    I'm interested in the question if the RPCQueueCallback is executed after all DSCallbacks were executed.
    I do not care so much for the order of the DSCallbacks for the requests in the Queue, but if you can say something about this as well, it is always appreciated.

    I think this information would be valuable in the docs as well.

    Thank you & Best regards

    This is actually covered earlier, in the QuickStart, and yes, in-order execution of callbacks is guaranteed, and the RPCQueueCallback fires last.

    It's also covered in the SmartClient docs for RPCManager.startQueue(), but it looks like a glitch is preventing this from appearing in SmartGWT's JavaDoc. We'll get that fixed and interlink the docs.


      Hi Isomorphic,

      again thank you very much. The docs cover my exact use case ("simplify application logic that otherwise has to deal with multiple outstanding server requests that might complete in any order") and answer my question ("When the SmartClient Server framework receives a queued request, it will process all requests, in order, in a single thread, before any response is sent to the client. All client-side actions related to queued requests, such as callbacks firing on completion, likewise happen in queue order, after all server-side processing has taken place.").

      Thanks for adding to the SmartGWT docs.

      Best regards

