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    filtering a ResultSet with AdvancedCriteria

    I am failing to understand why this is not functioning as I would expect. Hoping you can shed some light on the subject.

    This result is used to drive a ListGrid. The grid provides a RecordComponent to update the record with deletedFlag = true. The operation completes successfully. I can query the db and see the deletedFlag marked as true. However the record is still visible in the ListGrid. After reading the documentation I attempted the following changes on the DataSource itself:

    However, the behavior is exactly the same. I presume I am missing something, but I cannot for the life of me identify what that something is. Much thanks for your help in resolving this matter.
    Last edited by jpappalardo; 24 Sep 2014, 09:23.

    Sorry if this is too obvious, but, your criteria uses OR. Do either of the other two criteria still match?


      Oh thank you, sometimes another set of eyes...

      It should be an or of the first 2 criteria anded with deletedFlag

