Hi Isomorphic,
retesting the thread-issue with the code from this post#18 I noticed that tabbing though the rows does not work (v10.1p_2016-04-05, minor issue).
This is very minor issue for me.
Best regards
retesting the thread-issue with the code from this post#18 I noticed that tabbing though the rows does not work (v10.1p_2016-04-05, minor issue).
- Prerequsite: row with "Anteater" in middle or last position.
- Double-click 1st row to start edit mode
- Always hit and "tab" to walk through the data.
- Notice that the focus never leaves the SelectItem in the anteater row.
- Notice "12:53:11.534:KPR4:WARN:DynamicForm:isc_DynamicForm_183:focusInItem: item cannot accept focus: [StaticTextItem ID:isc_StaticTextItem_416 name:lifeSpan]" in the Developer Console when entering the anteater-row.
- Double-click anteater-row to start edit mode
- Always hit and "tab" to walk through the data.
- Notice the SelectItem receives focus and there is no warning in the Developer Console.
- Notice that tabbing works.
This is very minor issue for me.
Best regards