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    ListGrid tabbing does not always work (item cannot accept focus: StaticTextItem)

    Hi Isomorphic,

    retesting the thread-issue with the code from this post#18 I noticed that tabbing though the rows does not work (v10.1p_2016-04-05, minor issue).
    • Prerequsite: row with "Anteater" in middle or last position.
    Test 1:
    1. Double-click 1st row to start edit mode
    2. Always hit and "tab" to walk through the data.
    3. Notice that the focus never leaves the SelectItem in the anteater row.
    4. Notice "12:53:11.534:KPR4:WARN:DynamicForm:isc_DynamicForm_183:focusInItem: item cannot accept focus: [StaticTextItem ID:isc_StaticTextItem_416 name:lifeSpan]" in the Developer Console when entering the anteater-row.
    Test 2:
    1. Double-click anteater-row to start edit mode
    2. Always hit and "tab" to walk through the data.
    3. Notice the SelectItem receives focus and there is no warning in the Developer Console.
    4. Notice that tabbing works.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Animation.gif
Views:	82
Size:	81.6 KB
ID:	236538

    This is very minor issue for me.

    Best regards