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    Migrating from SmartGWT 4.1 to SmartGWT 6.0
    GWT 2.8.0-beta1

    I have some code that sets a value on a ValuesManager that is a JsArray.
    I used to be able cast the Object returned from ValuesManager.getValue in the following way
    Object o = valuesManager.getValue(arrayName);
    if(o != null)
         JsArray array = ((JavaScriptObject) o).cast();
    However after migrating to SmartGWT 6.0 I get a ClassCastException and in order to avoid this exception I am required to use the following code
    Object[] objects = (Object[]) valuesManager.getValue(arrayName);
    if(objects != null) {
         JsArray array = JavaScriptObject.createArray().cast();
         for(Object object : objects)
              array.push((JavaScriptObject) object);
    Is this change by design? It is rather painful to have to convert from Object[] to JsArray and will have a large impact on our code. If even it would allow being cast as JavaScriptObject[] it would be simpler to handle this issue, but attempting to do so also causes a ClassCastException.

    No, this doesn't look to be a by-design change.

    Does this happen if you use a non-beta version of GWT?

    Is it only in certain modes (eg only classic DevMode)?

    What's in the JSArray? Complete code for construction and round-tripping through the ValuesManager would be clearest.


      This happens both as compiled javascript and in super dev mode. The data is JSO wrapper for data delivered from the server from a datasource. In this partiuclar instance it is a table of country codes.

           public class CountryCodeWrapper extends JavaScriptObject implements CountryCodeLookup
          protected CountryCodeWrapper()
          public final native long getId() /*-{
          public final native Long getIdAsLong() /*-{
              return == undefined ? null : @java.lang.Long::valueOf(Ljava/lang/String;)(;
          public final native void setId(long id) /*-{
     = id;
          public final native String getCode() /*-{
              return this.code;
          public final native void setCode(String code) /*-{
              this.code = code;
          public final native String getCountryName() /*-{
              return this.countryName;
          public final native void setCountryName(String countryName) /*-{
              this.countryName = countryName;
          public final native boolean isDefaultLookup() /*-{
              return this.defaultLookup;
          public final native void setDefaultLookup(boolean defaultLookup) /*-{
              this.defaultLookup = defaultLookup;
          public final CountryCodeWrapper copy() {
              CountryCodeWrapper copy = CountryCodeWrapper.createObject().cast();
              return copy;
      I cannot speak to whether this behavior is similar with other versions of GWT because part of our project will only compile with GWT 2.8


        You don't appear to have given us a standalone test case, as is outlined in the Debugging Overview, or the details requested above - the "complete code for construction and round-tripping through the ValuesManager." At a minimum, we'd like to see the code setting the value(s) that you want to get back as a JSArray.

