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    Important problem with serverside dsRequest.getOperationId() in today's nightly.

    Hi Isomorphic,

    today's nightly (v10.1p_2016-04-13) introduced a bug for me where dsRequest.getOperationId() returns "dsName_dsOperationType" instead of the configured operationId sent from the client.
    I can see the correct operationId in the developer console, but get the wrong from dsRequest.getOperationId() in my IDACall subclasses' handleDSRequest().

    Eclipse debug / Developer Console screenshot: Click image for larger version

Name:	operationId.PNG
Views:	51
Size:	30.0 KB
ID:	236927

    MyIDACall method:
        public DSResponse handleDSRequest(DSRequest dsRequest, RPCManager rpc, RequestContext context) throws Exception {
            // Logger logger = new Logger(LMSIDACall.class);
            String dsID = dsRequest.getDataSource().getID();
            String operationType = dsRequest.getOperationType();
            String operationID = dsRequest.getOperationId() != null ? dsRequest.getOperationId() : "null"; // Most likely always not null

    This was working as expected with yesterday's nightly (v10.1p_2016-04-12).

    Could you check if something was changed here?

    Thank you & Best regards

    Hi Blama,
    a little bit offtopic, but are you working with the old devMode mode ? I see in your screenshot that you can evaluate server-side expressions (with eclipse?). If you are using the super-dev-mode, how are you doing this ? I am not able to debug server-side code with eclipse with super-dev-mode.


      Hi edulid,

      no, I'm still using old Development Mode.
      Super Dev Mode had a performance issue on my old system (see here) and on my new system I did not try, yet, as Development Mode is still working good for me.
      But there is GWT Super Dev Mode debugging possible in Eclipse and other users were discussing it here.

      Best regards


        Sorry, I misunderstood. You are saying you can't debug serverside code? This should definitely be possible an is not related to Development Mode/Super Dev Mode.
        You can't look into Isomorphic's serverside isomorphic*.jar classes (or not easily, search the forums for it. It is possible, but I did not try it yet), but you can for sure step through your own DMIs.

        I did nothing special here. Did it work for you with Development Mode and now with Super Dev Mode it does not?

        Best regards


          Hm, I think this relates to the fact that I am using maven to compile, so I am using a clean-compile-package configuration.
          So I don't use a debug mode. I have to check how this works with maven.
          Thank you anyway! And now return we can return to topic :-)



            on my development system I start Tomcat from within Eclipse. It is then not necessary to always do a full undeploy-war-deploy cycle.
            I'm using Ant and made a target that just copies serverfiles (after bigger changes like introducing a new method). I then restart Tomcat (actually stop, delete war (so that Tomcat launches the webapp from the directory, not the war), start) and can step through the new code.

            Best regards


              We've made a change to address this issue. Please try the next nightly build, dated April 15.

              Isomorphic Software


                Hi Isomorphic,

                thank you, this is working again using v10.1p_2016-04-18.

                Best regards

