SmartClient Version: v8.2p_2012-08-14/Enterprise Deployment (built 2012-08-14)
Happens in: IE 9, IE 9 Compatability Mode, Chrome 21.0.1180.79 m
Does not happen in FireFox 8.0.1
I have a ListGrid inside of a section stack panel. The first time I navigate to the page, it works correctly. If I navigate to another page, and then come back, when I click on a row in the grid, the entire grid shifts upward 44 pixels, putting the header under the section stack header.
Also, if I resize the page, the header returns to the correct position.
I used IE developer console to take a snapshot of the HTML before and after clicking on the row, and did a comparison, and the only difference is as follows:
Before (working):
After (Shifted up):
At the end, the attributes $yu and $yv change from 0 to 44.
Custom Widget
Main Page View
I can supply additional code if necessarily, if this is not enough to be of help.
Happens in: IE 9, IE 9 Compatability Mode, Chrome 21.0.1180.79 m
Does not happen in FireFox 8.0.1
I have a ListGrid inside of a section stack panel. The first time I navigate to the page, it works correctly. If I navigate to another page, and then come back, when I click on a row in the grid, the entire grid shifts upward 44 pixels, putting the header under the section stack header.
Also, if I resize the page, the header returns to the correct position.
I used IE developer console to take a snapshot of the HTML before and after clicking on the row, and did a comparison, and the only difference is as follows:
Before (working):
<DIV onblur=if(window.isc)isc.EH.blurFocusCanvas(isc_ListGrid_2_body,true); style="Z-INDEX: 201926; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 946px; HEIGHT: 392px; OVERFLOW: hidden; CURSOR: default; TOP: 44px; LEFT: 0px" onscroll="return isc_ListGrid_2_body.$lh()" id=isc_71 class=gridBody onfocus=isc.EH.focusInCanvas(isc_ListGrid_2_body,true); tabIndex=1248 eventProxy="isc_ListGrid_2_body" $ys="0" $yt="0">
<DIV onblur=if(window.isc)isc.EH.blurFocusCanvas(isc_ListGrid_2_body,true); style="Z-INDEX: 201926; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 946px; HEIGHT: 392px; OVERFLOW: hidden; CURSOR: default; TOP: 44px; LEFT: 0px" onscroll="return isc_ListGrid_2_body.$lh()" id=isc_71 class=gridBody onfocus=isc.EH.focusInCanvas(isc_ListGrid_2_body,true); tabIndex=1248 eventProxy="isc_ListGrid_2_body" $ys="0" $yt="0" $yu="44" $yv="44">
Custom Widget
public class CallCenterListGrid extends SectionStack implements HasRecordDoubleClickHandlers { private final ListGrid grid; private final boolean wrapHeaders; private final Autofit autoFitApproach; public CallCenterListGrid(boolean showFilterEditor, String gridTitle, boolean wrapHeaders, Autofit autoFitApproach) { this(showFilterEditor, gridTitle, wrapHeaders, autoFitApproach, null); } public CallCenterListGrid(boolean showFilterEditor, String gridTitle, boolean wrapHeaders, Autofit autoFitApproach, Integer height) { this.wrapHeaders = wrapHeaders; this.autoFitApproach = autoFitApproach; this.setWidth100(); if (height == null){ this.setHeight100(); } else { this.setHeight(height); } this.setMinHeight(200); SectionStackSection section = new SectionStackSection(gridTitle); section.setCanCollapse(false); section.setExpanded(true); HeaderControl refresh = new HeaderControl(HeaderControl.REFRESH, new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { CallCenterListGrid.this.grid.invalidateCache(); } }); section.setControls(refresh); grid = new ListGrid(); if (wrapHeaders){ this.grid.setHeaderHeight(33); } else { this.grid.setHeaderHeight(22); } this.grid.setWidth100(); this.grid.setHeight100(); this.grid.setCanResizeFields(true); this.grid.setAutoFetchData(true); this.grid.setAutoFitFieldWidths(true); this.grid.setAutoFitWidthApproach(AutoFitWidthApproach.BOTH); this.grid.setShowFilterEditor(showFilterEditor); if (autoFitApproach.equals(Autofit.VERTICAL) || autoFitApproach.equals(Autofit.BOTH)) { this.grid.setWrapCells(true); this.grid.setFixedRecordHeights(false); } this.setStyleName("sectionStack list-grid"); section.setItems(grid); this.addSection(section); } @Override public HandlerRegistration addRecordDoubleClickHandler( RecordDoubleClickHandler handler) { return this.grid.addRecordDoubleClickHandler(handler); } public ListGrid getGrid() { return grid; } public void setDataSource(DataSource datasource){ this.grid.setDataSource(datasource); for (ListGridField field : this.grid.getFields()) { // Wrap the headers if (this.wrapHeaders){ String title = field.getTitle(); String[] parts = title.split(" "); if (parts.length > 1) { if (parts[0].length() > 1 && parts[parts.length - 1].length() > 1){ field.setWrap(true); } } } // Format all decimal fields as 0.00 if (field.getType() == ListGridFieldType.FLOAT){ field.setCellFormatter(new CellFormatter() { public String format(Object value, ListGridRecord record, int rowNum, int colNum) { if(value == null) return null; String val = null; try { NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getFormat("0.00"); val = nf.format(((Number) value).doubleValue()); } catch (Exception e) { return value.toString(); } return val; } }); } } } }
.list-grid { margin-bottom: 5px; }
public class TransmitSessionDetailPageView extends ViewImpl implements TransmitSessionDetailPagePresenter.MyView { // Overall layout of page. Root container. private VLayout layout; // Transmit Session Error Log private HLayout errorLogBar; // Transmit Session Details private DetailGroupForm detailForm; // In Process Transaction Grid private CallCenterListGrid inProcessTransactionGrid; // Transaction grid private CallCenterListGrid transactionGrid; private Button errorLogButton; @Inject public TransmitSessionDetailPageView() { this.layout = new VLayout(); this.layout.setWidth100(); this.layout.setHeight100(); this.errorLogBar = new HLayout(); this.errorLogBar.setWidth100(); this.errorLogBar.setHeight(25); this.errorLogBar.setAlign(Alignment.RIGHT); errorLogButton = new Button("View Error Log"); errorLogButton.setShowRollOver(true); errorLogButton.setShowDisabled(true); errorLogButton.setShowDown(true); errorLogButton.setWidth(150); errorLogButton.setIcon("[SKIN]/FileBrowser/file.png"); this.errorLogBar.addMember(errorLogButton); this.layout.addMember(errorLogBar); this.detailForm = new DetailGroupForm(); this.layout.addMember(detailForm); this.inProcessTransactionGrid = new CallCenterListGrid(true, "In Process Transactions", false, Autofit.HORIZONTAL, 200); this.layout.addMember(inProcessTransactionGrid); this.transactionGrid = new CallCenterListGrid(true, "Completed Transactions", false, Autofit.HORIZONTAL); this.layout.addMember(transactionGrid); } @Override public Widget asWidget() { return this.layout; } @Override public HasText getDetailGroup() { return this.detailForm; } @Override public void bindTransmissionDetail(DataSource transmissionDataSource, Integer id) { this.detailForm.setDataSource(transmissionDataSource); // Format Error Message FormItem error = this.detailForm.getField("errorMessage"); error.setColSpan(10); error.setRowSpan(3); this.detailForm.fetchData(new Criteria("transmitSessionId", id.toString()), new DSCallback() { @Override public void execute(DSResponse response, Object rawData, DSRequest request) { // Show error log icon if it exists Boolean errorLogExists = response.getData()[0].getAttributeAsBoolean("errorLogExists"); if (errorLogExists != null && errorLogExists){; } else { TransmitSessionDetailPageView.this.errorLogBar.hide(); } } }); } @Override public void bindTransactions(DataSource transactionDataSource, Integer id) { this.transactionGrid.setDataSource(transactionDataSource); this.transactionGrid.getGrid().fetchData(new Criteria("transmitSessionId", id.toString()), null); } @Override public void bindInProcessTransactions(DataSource transactionDataSource, Integer id) { this.inProcessTransactionGrid.setDataSource(transactionDataSource); this.inProcessTransactionGrid.getGrid().fetchData(new Criteria("transmitSessionId", id.toString()), null); } @Override public HasClickHandlers getViewErrorLogButton() { return this.errorLogButton; } @Override public HasRecordDoubleClickHandlers getTransactionSelected() { return this.transactionGrid; } }
public class MainPageView extends ViewImpl implements MainPagePresenter.MyView { // Layout values private static final Integer PAGE_WIDTH = 960; private static final Integer CONTENT_HEIGHT = 720; private static final Integer DEFAULT_PADDING = 5; private static final Integer HEADER_HEIGHT = 50; private static final Integer TITLE_LOGO_WIDTH = 103; private static final Integer TITLE_TEXT_WIDTH = (PAGE_WIDTH - (2 * TITLE_LOGO_WIDTH) - (4 * DEFAULT_PADDING)); private static final Integer TITLEBAR_HEIGHT = (int) (HEADER_HEIGHT * .8); // Overall layout of page. Root container. private VLayout layout; // Header section common to all pages. Parent: layout private VLayout masthead; // Top of header, contains login info and title. Parent: masthead private ToolStrip titleBar; private Label usernameLabel; // Bottom of header, contains breadcrumb navigation. Parent: masthead private BreadCrumbs breadCrumbs; // Main content section where pages will be revealed. Parent: layout private VLayout workArea; private ToolStripButton homeButton; @Inject public MainPageView() { this.layout = new VLayout(); //this.layout.setPadding(DEFAULT_PADDING); this.layout.setWidth(PAGE_WIDTH); this.layout.setHeight100(); this.layout.setStyleName("main-layout"); this.masthead = new VLayout(); this.masthead.setHeight(HEADER_HEIGHT); this.masthead.setWidth100(); this.masthead.setMargin(DEFAULT_PADDING); this.layout.addMember(this.masthead); this.titleBar = new ToolStrip(); this.titleBar.setHeight(TITLEBAR_HEIGHT); this.titleBar.setPadding(DEFAULT_PADDING); this.titleBar.setWidth100(); homeButton = new ToolStripButton(); homeButton.setIcon("ag-logo.png"); homeButton.setIconWidth(TITLE_LOGO_WIDTH); homeButton.setIconHeight(31); homeButton.setHeight(41); homeButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { } }); Label titleLabel = new Label("Telxon USB Call Center"); titleLabel.setWidth(TITLE_TEXT_WIDTH); titleLabel.setAlign(Alignment.CENTER); titleLabel.setStyleName("title"); VLayout userNamePanel = new VLayout(); userNamePanel.setWidth("*"); userNamePanel.setAlign(Alignment.RIGHT); userNamePanel.setAlign(VerticalAlignment.CENTER); Label welcomeLabel = new Label("Welcome"); welcomeLabel.setHeight(22); welcomeLabel.setAlign(Alignment.RIGHT); welcomeLabel.setValign(VerticalAlignment.BOTTOM); userNamePanel.addMember(welcomeLabel); usernameLabel = new Label(); usernameLabel.setHeight(22); usernameLabel.setAlign(Alignment.RIGHT); usernameLabel.setValign(VerticalAlignment.TOP); userNamePanel.addMember(usernameLabel); this.titleBar.addButton(homeButton); this.titleBar.addMember(titleLabel); this.titleBar.addMember(userNamePanel); this.masthead.addMember(this.titleBar); this.breadCrumbs = new BreadCrumbs(); this.masthead.addMember(breadCrumbs); this.workArea = new VLayout(); this.workArea.setWidth100(); this.workArea.setMargin(DEFAULT_PADDING); this.workArea.setHeight("*"); this.layout.addMember(this.workArea); } @Override public void setInSlot(Object slot, Widget content) { this.workArea.removeMembers(this.workArea.getMembers()); if (slot == MainPagePresenter.TYPE_SetWorkAreaContent && content != null) { this.workArea.setMembers((Canvas) content); } else { super.setInSlot(slot, content); } } @Override public Widget asWidget() { return this.layout; } @Override public Canvas getMasthead() { return this.masthead; } @Override public Canvas getBody() { return this.workArea; } @Override public void setUsername(String username) { this.usernameLabel.setContents(username); } @Override public HasClickHandlers getBreadcrumbs() { return this.breadCrumbs; } @Override public void refreshBreadcrumbs(PlaceManager placeManager) { this.breadCrumbs.refreshBreadcrumbs(placeManager); } @Override public HasClickHandlers getTitleLogoButton() { return homeButton; } }