SmartClient Version: v8.2p_2012-08-23/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2012-08-23)
Firefox 14
I am having trouble with a save operation from a dynamic form. In hosted mode it works fine, however, deployed normally some values in the dsRequest are being converted to string arrays, thus causing validation issues.
Please see the values for compressionMode and pixelWidthHeight:
Any idea why this might be happening?
Firefox 14
I am having trouble with a save operation from a dynamic form. In hosted mode it works fine, however, deployed normally some values in the dsRequest are being converted to string arrays, thus causing validation issues.
Please see the values for compressionMode and pixelWidthHeight:
{ "dataSource":"videoStream", "operationType":"add", "componentId":"isc_DynamicForm_2", "data":{ "ipAddress":"", "portNumber":0, "groundSampleDistance":1, "deliverViaCDL":false, "startTime":"2012-08-23T23:23:00", "stopTime":"2012-08-24T23:23:00", "tiGSD":"1", "widthInMeters":640, "heightInMeters":480, "streamCategory":"CHIPOUT", "pixelWidthHeight":{ "0":"6", "1":"4", "2":"0", "3":"x", "4":"4", "5":"8", "6":"0", "cM":{ "1":1, "333":1, "335":1, "337":1 } }, "Compression":"MPEG2", "videoStreamName":"Test", "description":"Test", "centerPointLatitude":22, "centerPointLongitude":22, "tcdlPortNumber":2222, "widthInPixels":640, "heightInPixels":480, "compressionMode":{ "0":"M", "1":"P", "2":"E", "3":"G", "4":"2", "cM":{ "1":1, "333":1, "335":1, "337":1 } } }, "callback":{ "target":[DynamicForm ID:isc_DynamicForm_2], "methodName":"saveEditorReply" }, "showPrompt":true, "prompt":"Saving form...", "oldValues":{ }, "clientContext":{ }, "requestId":"videoStream$6279" }