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    Checkbox disables record dragging in a listGrid?

    Setting listGrid.setSelectionAppearance(SelectionAppearance.CHECKBOX); is disabling dragging (set with listGrid.setCanReorderRecords(true);).
    What is happening here?

    Using smartgwt power 6.0-p20160519
    Last edited by edulid; 15 Jul 2016, 05:06.

    I saw that selecting the record in the checkbox and then dragging works.
    But now you have to select the record first.
    And it only permits to drag the record selected, i.e. if you click on record B while record A is selected, and try to drag record B, record A will be dragged! This is very confusing.
    Were you able to reproduce this ?


      Dragging is behaving like it always does: what is dragged is the selection. The problem is that there's no good user experience for the combination of drag and drop and checkbox selection: with checkbox selection, it would obviously be wrong to select a record on mouseDown (as is normally done for non-checkbox mode), and it would be even stranger that a record is not selected on mouseDown, but is selected as soon as dragging begins.

      What we'd recommend is simply to not mix these two settings. Other approach are possible, such as having a dedicated area in each record where dragging can be initiated, but probably not worth the effort.


        Hm, wouldn't be possible in this case to drag the record without selecting it?
        One thing is selecting the record: In this case, the checkbox is used fot this, which is clear for the user.
        The second thing is dragging: When the user drags the record, it is moved (depending where he drags the record to), but not selected. Why must a record be selected on dragging?
        Or at least this should be configurable ?


          Amongst many other problems, if dragging and selection were decoupled:

          1. there would be no way to drag multiple records
          2. lots of longstanding documented behavior would no longer work
          3. lot of existing application code would be wrong
          4. ....

          So, obviously not a possibility as a framework behavior change. However you could choose to take this approach by manually modifying the selection, we just think it's very awkward.

