Hi Isomorphic,
I'm trying to use the technique discussed here for my email-simplyType i18n (error message of the address-format validator)
It does seem though as if it does not work in this case. The DataSourceLoader returns this for the type:
(See the bold part).
Is i18n supposed to work in SimpleTypes as well? I'm using current 5.1p.
Best regards
I'm trying to use the technique discussed here for my email-simplyType i18n (error message of the address-format validator)
It does seem though as if it does not work in this case. The DataSourceLoader returns this for the type:
if (window.isc == undefined || window.isc.DataSource == undefined){ alert("Can't load DataSources - SmartClient runtime not loaded");}isc.SimpleType.create({inheritsFrom:"text",xmlns:"http://mydomain/SmartGWT/TYPE_XML",validators:["isString",{expression:"^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.)+(?:[a-zA-Z]{2}|[aA][aA][aA]|...many more...|[tT][rR][aA][vV][eE][lL][eE][rR][sS][iI][nN][sS][uU][rR][aA][nN][cC][eE])$",type:"regexp",errorMessage:"[B]<fmt:message key=\"validatorValidEmail\">[/B]"}],name:"emailType",fmt:"lmscompany/fmt"})
Is i18n supposed to work in SimpleTypes as well? I'm using current 5.1p.
Best regards