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    Listgrid scrollbar thumb size for databound grid returning huge number of total rows

    Hi all,

    I'm just trying to find some documentation to explain the the behaviour I'm seeing as there has been a QA defect in the application I work on but I don't believe it's an issue.

    So I have a ListGrid that is using a data source, the fetch returns a page worth of data (about 76) records and a the total count which is over a million. So the scrollbar thumb appears quite large suggesting that there is only a page of data, however once the bottom is reached the scrollbar grows and some more records are returned.

    I can understand why this occurs as a scrollbar thumb would be tiny should it represent 76 out of 1000000 but what is the actual rules around this, I need to document this to the customer.


    Actually this is a bug I think, in chrome it renders for a small scrollbar thumb which indicates there are many records, in IE11, the scrollbar thumb is large, see screenshots.

    IE 11

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Scrollbar thumb IE11.png
Views:	74
Size:	185.8 KB
ID:	240137


    Click image for larger version

Name:	Scrollbar thumb Chrome.png
Views:	54
Size:	205.8 KB
ID:	240138
    GWT Version : 2.7.0
    SmartGWT Version : 5.0p
    SmartGWT Build Date : 02/07/2015 08:14


      That would only be normal behavior if either:

      1. you have enabled progressiveLoading - see docs for this property

      2. as the last range of rows is returned from the server, the server suddenly starts returning a higher totalRows amount than it had returned previously

      The browser differences could also possibly be explained by invalid totalRows numbers in the response (such as negative numbers, or returning Strings instead of numbers).



        It's not point 2) the row numbers changing has not occurred, also the total rows are being set is correctly so I'd rule out that, I have debugged this to check. Reading the doc on progressiveLoading it seems like that is the behaviour that I'm seeing.

        However given I haven't explicitly set the value, would you expect IE11 to to have progressiveLoading = true and chrome to have progressiveLoading = false by default?

        Just done some testing and it's actually stranger than that, when I'm using the enterprise grey skin, it does not load any more records, only a pages worth, going the the bottom does not any more records, using the simplicity skin, does load a few more records once the scrollbar thumb reaches the bottom, chrome works as I'd expect for both, same as previous screenshot.


          As far as the docs for DataSource.progressiveLoading, you haven't made clear whether you are seeing this behavior kick in or not. You can see this being reported in the server-side logs and you can easily look at the client requests in the RPC tab of the Developer Console to see what the totalRows values are.

          As far as this happening in a browser-specific or skin-specific way, that doesn't make sense with progressiveLoading. Most likely, you have additional CSS (aside from the skin) that is causing a problem by, for example, applying styling to all elements on the page, including ones automatically rendered by SmartGWT.

          If you think this isn't the case, and you think you're seeing a framework issue, we'll need a minimal, ready-to-run test case that reproduces the issue.

