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    Event one day

    If I create an event which spans one day ( , I see the following screenshot.
    Jun 7 to Jun 8. I think this is because the event is being created from Jun 7 00:00:00 to Jun 8 00:00:00. This may be confusing, since the day created is only Jun 7.
    Wouldn't it be more logical to have Jun 7 00:00.00 to Jun 7 23:59:59 ? Since this should span one day.
    I think some of the issues in the other ticket may be gone, e.g. the event that is only shown in the bottom half of the days. ( Click image for larger version

Name:	Bildschirmfoto 2016-10-06 um 16.37.54.png
Views:	48
Size:	59.7 KB
ID:	240621

    In fact, internally, I am setting the date for days spanning one day to day 00:00:00 to day 23.59.59. But I think this is the more logical way to do this, since the user will be confused when he/she sees 7-8 Jun when he/she is only creating an event for the 7th of June.


      Call setEventSnapGap(0), which will install a 1hour snapGap (or some other known default if you change to hour or week columns) - this is another issue with the very specific snapGap length of 1440 minutes, one or two aspects of which do indeed misbehave at the moment, and we're in the process of extending our automatic tests to cover this stuff. Until we update about that, it's probably best to *always* call setEventSnapGap(0) to avoid issues with date-rounding..

      Also, adding an eventSnapGap of less than one day will cause the editor in your screenshot to create dateTime editors, so users can edit the times.
      Last edited by Isomorphic; 7 Oct 2016, 02:10.


        ok, but if I call setEventSnapGap(0), as you say, it will install a 1hour snapGap, but I need a 1 day snapGap. So I am not setting nothing, since the gaps in my case are 1 day long. And it is behaving correctly, just this +1day 00:00:00 is making problems, which would be correted if it stays the same day 23:59:59 (which I am doing manually)


          The same for events longer than 1 day: for example I want to create an event 3 days long, from 17 Jun to 19 Jun. I would expect: 17 Jun 00:00:00 - 19 Jun 23:59:59, but I am getting 17 Jun 00:00:00 - 20 Jun 00:00:00 which is confusing for the user.


            These are the kinds of reasons we ask for runnable test-cases, so we can see which settings are in place - you had previously noted that you were unable to create events of less than one day - also, until a few days ago, a Timeline without an eventSnapGap setting would have given you 1-hour snapGaps anyway, by default.

            We agree, incidentally, about end-dates for drag creation/resizing - and that is supposed to be the default behavior (each snapGap ends 1ms before the start of the next, and it's *that* value that should be in use).

            Again, we're aware of issues around the specific eventSnapGap of 1440 minutes - drag-rect sizing, overlapping, eg - we'll update about those in a day or two - in the meantime, applying an eventSnapGap will prevent all of these niggles that you're hitting due to that specific snapGap, and allow you to progress.


              hm, I think the threads are more or less independent of each other unless specified otherwise, that's why I didn't create a testcase for this thread, since in my first post of this thread I linked to your showcase, where you can reproduce the issues. The threads with the eventSnapGap of less than one day are independent of this thread.

              Ok, nevertherless, thank you for correcting these issues in the timeline. You are right, everything seems to work when the events are not 1440*n minutes long, n>=1.


                Good to hear.

                Note that, whilst your various issues/threads may *appear* unrelated, pretty much all reports (about Calendar/Timeline) come down to the same issue - and that's the eventSnapGaps. Their start/end dates, and screen-offsets, dictate event size, position and overlap-calculation, drag-rect size, position and dates, whether a given snapGap (or one of it's dates) is disabled, the length of newly created events - all of these are based on the snapGaps.

                We've made some fixes and we're extending our autotest coverage right now - please continue to test with an eventSnapGap present until we let you know our fixes have hit the builds.


                  Hi Isomorphic have you been able to fix these issues ?


                    Yes, some changes have been made that should address all of these problems, irrespective of the eventSnapGap. You can try the fixes out in builds dated October 12 (today) and later. When you get a new build, take a look at the updated doc for Calendar.eventSnapGap.

