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    Grouped timeline text

    Please take a look at my screenshot.
    How to make the group-header either multi-line or how to display the rest of the text, at least on hover?
    Using smartgwt 6.0p power
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Bildschirmfoto 2016-10-10 um 19.53.46.png
Views:	44
Size:	16.4 KB
ID:	240694

    Timelines show two grid bodies - the frozen (non-scrolling) area on the left (where the Calendar.laneFields are shown), and the scrollable body to it's right.

    What you're seeing here is the group-title being displayed spanning the frozen body - in this case, the frozen body only includes one laneField.

    Unfortunately, we don't support multi-line group-titles, or group-titles that span frozen *and* non-frozen bodies.

    You could add more LaneFields, set a larger width on your single laneField - or, you could call laneField.setAutoFitWidth(true) - that would resize to content, including group-title text.

