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    Rolling from 5.0 to 6.0 breaks customization of TimeItem

    SmartGWT Version: v11.0p_2016-09-27/LGPL Development Only

    We recently rolled from an earlier version of SmartGWT:
    SmartGWT Version: v10.0p_2015-12-10/LGPL Development Only

    We do heavy customization of the styling of controls in our application. Because of this, the fields in a time item need to be wider or we get ellipses and cannot actually see the data without dropping down the list (for things like hours, minutes, am/pm).

    After the roll to 6.0 the code we have to set the widths of the child items no longer works. It appears to do nothing. Sample code is attached. Note that it sets the width of the hourItem to 46 pixels. In the previous version this worked. In 6.0 the width of the field is 38px no matter what value the code sets the width to.
    Attached Files

    This is a result of an enhancement we made to auto-size the pickers, in date and time -related FormItems, to fit their content - the change was made as part of new Density features in 6.0 (automatic widget and font resizing APIs).

    We've fixed things so it behaves as it used to, correctly using specified sub-item widths, if they exist, rather than calculating them.

    You can test the fix in builds dated October 13 and later.


      Great! Thanks, we'll give it try as soon as it becomes available.


        Looks like this is all good now. Thanks.

