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    Calendar hours of day range with specific timezone diferent from local machine

    SmartGWT version: latest from showcase
    Browser: latest Chrome and Firefox 26 (development) tested

    If you set a specific timezone via DateUtil API different from machine's timezone the range of hours in Calendar start from 00:00 -/+ time zone specified instead of 00:00 (or 12:00 pm). Is this the normal behaviour? This can be tested against today's build in the showcase changing in the console the timezone and switching to another day. See attached image. Setting UTC-5 when being UTC+1, as you can see, calendar starts in 6pm

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Captura.PNG
Views:	191
Size:	17.7 KB
ID:	241321

    We found this because we have two similar versions of a project wich one needs to run in spanish timezone and the other one in mexican timezone. Both of them running in the same machines, and we don't want administration workers to change machine's local time every time they change the web app. If this is the normal behaviour, what can we do as workaroung?

    Best regards

    We see this issue and we're taking a look - we'll update here when it's been fixed.


      Originally posted by Isomorphic View Post
      We see this issue and we're taking a look - we'll update here when it's been fixed.
      Thank you. If there is anything I can help let me know


        Hi there,

        any update on this issue?

        Best regards


          This is still logged, but hasn't been addressed yet - it's behind issues from customers with Support contracts.

          We'll get to it in the next week or so - in the meantime, you can probably fix your issue for now with a call to Calendar.setAttribute("ignoreDST", true)


            Originally posted by Isomorphic View Post
            you can probably fix your issue for now with a call to Calendar.setAttribute("ignoreDST", true)
            Ok, thank you so much. Just say that the issue happens when you set a different timezone despite DST, but I'll give it a try


              Hello!,.. are there any news or updates on this problem?,.. i still cant change the setDefaultDisplayTimezone(); ...
              in my specific case i have to set it to Time.setDefaultDisplayTimezone('+00:00');
              this in fact forces the calendar to start at 23:00 (11pm) the day before..
              -> the biggest problem here is i cant drag or create any events from the calender, because the only "clickable" or "dragable" field is the "first" cell next to 23:00(11pm)

