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    Issue with select lists in IE (Verified in Showcase)

    So this is a weird one,

    I had a defect raised against our application that a select list item can not be selected when there is only one item in the list and there using IE 11. After further investigation it appears the issue only happens when they are using there laptop monitor which is resolution (1920 X 1080). When IE is dragged into a different monitor with a different resolution they are able to pick the option.

    I have tried to replicate the issue myself as I have the same sized laptop, I can not replicate this issue no matter the resolution. So I've gone through the showcase to see if I can find an example where there is a select list with one option and I've found one and the issue occurs on the showcase....

    Change the skin to simplicity, select "Spray Adhesives" from the first list, and from the second list they are unable to select the single option. As mentioned I could not replicate on my application but I do get it on the showcase. However, it only occurs on the Simplicty skin, and it only occurs when I use the laptop screen which is (1920 x 1080 which is it's highest and recommended resolution), When I try one of my other monitors and change it's resolution to (1920 x 1080) it doesn't occur.

    Are you able to replicate this? it's pretty obscure :(

    Hi ellisd5, Hi Isomorphic,

    I tried to reproduce on my System (Win10, 1920x1080) with different browsers in Simplicity skin, but it seems to work for me.
    Tested with FF26, Microsoft EdgeHTML 14.14393, Chromium 54.0.2840.99. I did not test with IE11 as the OP.

    Best regards


      Strange, it does seem temperamental based on screen size/resolution, here's screen capture of it...

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Simplicity-Cant-Click-1st-Option.gif
Views:	101
Size:	206.9 KB
ID:	241414


        This issue has sat unresolved for a while.
        We wanted to follow up to let you know it is currently under investigation. We are able to reproduce it (though only on a very particular setup - it does indeed appear to be a native Internet Explorer issue, dependent on resolution and other configuration settings).
        We're looking at how to address this at the framework level and will follow up when we have more information on that.

        There is a workaround which should avoid this in the meantime.
        The problem appears to be related to the standard css-scrollbars used by the Simplicity skin in Internet Explorer. You can disable this via showCustomScrollbars.
        Here's a snippet of code that does this and also sets the scrollbarConstructor to "NativeScrollbar" - a class designed to render a standalone css scrollbar to preserve the appearance you would have with showCustomScrollbars false.

        Last edited by Isomorphic; 6 Jan 2017, 11:33. Reason: formatted code block


          We've spent some time analyzing this issue and it appears to be a native problem with Internet Explorer and MS Edge misreporting scroll-size on certain HTML structures, but only in very specific circumstances, dependent on screen configuration, specified size of HTML elements and so on. The SmartClient framework relies on the scrollWidth being reportted correctly, and when this native behavior occurs it happens to have the result of failing to recognize mouse-events over certain parts of a widget.
          We don't have a definitive set of circumstances that can trigger the problem, but are continuing to investigate.

          Regardless, we have come up with a workaround which detects when the width has been misreported in this way and accounts for it. This avoids the problem and will be present in the next nightly build (dated Jan 25 or above), in the 11.1d, 11.0p and 10.1p branches.

          Isomorphic Software


            Only just seen this response, thanks for the update, I'll try the workaround

