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    How to customize Date Format for DateItem to dd.MM.yyyy in GUI?

    We are using SmartGWT 3.0 Pro license.

    Here is my problem:

    I use a DateItem and want to show the date this way in the GUI: dd.MM.yyyy (e.g. 21.12.2012). I tried many different alternatives (as you can see in the source code below), I read a lot in forum discussions (e.g., but it does not work.

    I have attached a screenshot of the result, the date is always shown this way in the GUI: dd/MM/yyyy

    Please tell me how to display the date as I need it... Thank you.

    				DateUtil.setShortDateDisplayFormatter(new DateDisplayFormatter() {
    				    public String format(Date date) {
    				        if(date == null) return null;
    				        //you'll probably want to create the DateTimeFormat outside this method.
    				        //here for illustration purposes        
    				        DateTimeFormat dateFormatter = DateTimeFormat.getFormat("dd.MM.yyyy");
    				        String format = dateFormatter.format(date);
    				        return format;
    				 DateUtil.setNormalDateDisplayFormatter(new DateDisplayFormatter() {
    				    public String format(Date date) {
    				        if(date == null) return null;
    				        //you'll probably want to create the DateTimeFormat outside this method.
    				        //here for illustration purposes        
    				        DateTimeFormat dateFormatter = DateTimeFormat.getFormat("dd.MM.yyyy");
    				        String format = dateFormatter.format(date);
    //				        SC.say("DateString: " + date.toString() + "<br>FormatString" + format);
    				        return format;
    //				 DateUtil.setDateInputFormatter(new DateInputFormatter() {
    //						@Override
    //						public Date parse(String dateString) {
    //							String[] parts = dateString.split("\\.");
    //							int[] numbers = new int[3];
    //							for(int i=0; i<=parts.length - 1; i++)
    //								numbers[i] = Integer.parseInt(parts[i]);
    //							Date d = new Date();
    //							d.setDate(numbers[0]);
    //							d.setYear(numbers[2] - 1900);
    //							d.setMonth(numbers[1] - 1);
    //							return d;
    //						}
    //					});
    //				 DateUtil.setDateInputFormatter(new DateInputFormatter() {
    //					    public Date parse(String dateString) {
    //					       final DateTimeFormat dateFormatter = DateTimeFormat.getFormat("dd.MM.yyyy");
    //					       Date date = dateFormatter.parse(dateString);
    //					       return date;
    //					    }
    //					 });
    				 DateUtil.setDateParser(new DateParser() {
    					    public Date parse(String dateString) {
    					       final DateTimeFormat dateFormatter = DateTimeFormat.getFormat("dd.MM.yyyy");
    					       Date date = dateFormatter.parse(dateString);
    					       return date;
    //				DateUtil.setDateInputFormat("dd.MM.yyyy");
    				baselineDateItem = new DateItem("baselineDate", "Baseline Date");
    //				baselineDateItem.setDateFormatter(DateDisplayFormat.);
    //				baselineDateItem.setAttribute("dateFormatter", "toNormalDate");
    //				baselineDateTimeItem.setDisplayFormat(DateDisplayFormat.TOEUROPEANSHORTDATETIME);
    //				baselineDateItem.setDateFormatter(new DateDisplayFormatter() {
    //				    public String format(Date date) {
    //				        if(date == null) return null;
    //				        //you'll probably want to create the DateTimeFormat outside this method.
    //				        //here for illustration purposes        
    //				        DateTimeFormat dateFormatter = DateTimeFormat.getFormat("dd.MM.yyyy");
    //				        String format = dateFormatter.format(date);
    //				        return format;
    //				    }
    //				});
    Attached Files