I am having issues with a tree grid I am loading in our application.
The grid contains a tree and it should fill the whole body layout it is contained in however in my case the grid body doesn't get stretched and is always on 200 px.
TreeGrid body height.
These are the setting we are using for the tree grid and as you can see the height is set to 100% and the grid container has its height set to 100% too.
If I put setBodyOverflow(Overflow.VISIBLE) the whole grid gets displayed properly but if its bigger then the screen we get no scrollbar on the right side.
Below you can see the grid without Overflow.VISIBLE:
And this is the grid with Overflow.VISIBLE:
The warning I am getting in my developer console is the following: WARN:listPolicy:stretchResize for isc_RWOREQTreeGrid_0 with totalSize: 796 and calculated sizes: 25,200; cannot assign remainingSpace: 571 due to member max size limits
I have also tried to set grid body height to 100% with a draw handler and that hasn't helped and I have tried using css to make the body 100% with setBodyStyleName("rworeqTreeGridBody"), but that has resulted in this:
Is there something I am missing regarding the body resize or is there something I am doing wrong?
I am having issues with a tree grid I am loading in our application.
The grid contains a tree and it should fill the whole body layout it is contained in however in my case the grid body doesn't get stretched and is always on 200 px.
TreeGrid body height.
These are the setting we are using for the tree grid and as you can see the height is set to 100% and the grid container has its height set to 100% too.
setWidth100(); setHeight100(); setAlternateRecordStyles(true); setShowConnectors(false); setCanReorderFields(true); setShowOpenIcons(false); setShowDropIcons(false); setFolderIcon(null); setShowAllColumns(true); setShowAllRecords(true); setCanGroupBy(true); setMinHeight(700); setAlign(Alignment.CENTER); setSelectionAppearance(SelectionAppearance.ROW_STYLE); setSelectionType(SelectionStyle.SINGLE); setShowSelectionCanvas(true); setCascadeSelection(false); setShowSelectedStyle(true); setShowPartialSelection(true); setCellHeight(42); setRecordComponentHeight(42); setShowRecordComponents(true); setShowRecordComponentsByCell(true); setRecordComponentPoolingMode(RecordComponentPoolingMode.RECYCLE); setHoverStyle("ebomHover"); setHeaderBaseStyle("ebomTreeHeader"); setLeaveScrollbarGap(false); setCanFreezeFields(false); setMinFieldWidth(45); setMargin(0); setHeaderHeight(25); setNodeIcon(null); setStyleName("topMarginSeparatorNegativBOMGrid"); setIndentSize(7); setMargin(20); setEmptyMessage("No data."); setEmptyMessageStyle("modalWindowQuestion"); setLoadingDataMessage("Loading."); setLoadingDataMessageStyle("modalWindowQuestion"); loadTableColumns(fieldsToDisplay); setData(rwoReqTree);
Below you can see the grid without Overflow.VISIBLE:
And this is the grid with Overflow.VISIBLE:
The warning I am getting in my developer console is the following: WARN:listPolicy:stretchResize for isc_RWOREQTreeGrid_0 with totalSize: 796 and calculated sizes: 25,200; cannot assign remainingSpace: 571 due to member max size limits
I have also tried to set grid body height to 100% with a draw handler and that hasn't helped and I have tried using css to make the body 100% with setBodyStyleName("rworeqTreeGridBody"), but that has resulted in this:
Is there something I am missing regarding the body resize or is there something I am doing wrong?