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    Click Handler for Validation Error Icons

    Hello Everyone!

    I got a basic question, but I could not find a solution using Google and the Forum.

    Currently I am working with "DynamicForm" and a lot of Items like "TextItem" and Validators like "LengthRangeValidator".
    Everything runs very well and is easy to develop (Nice Work here)!

    As Example: I have a Textfield width a Validator that checks if it contains 3-10 Characters. If the Validator delivers an Error, the Exclamationmark-Icon is Displayed left side from the Textfield, displaying the Error-Message when hovering it.

    What I want to do, is displaying the Error-Message on Click, not on Hover.
    How can I manage to do this? Where do i have to add the ClickHandler?

    Thank you in advance and kind regards

    Isomorphic? Anyone? I thought this is pretty easy to change and i just cant see the solution.. am i wrong here?
    Last edited by JayG; 5 Dec 2016, 05:46.

