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    Small calendar Eventheader height issue in online showcase

    Hi Isomorphic,

    please see this picture taken from the online showcase sample (now on v11.0p_2016-11-25).
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Calendar_Event_Header_Height.png
Views:	50
Size:	16.4 KB
ID:	241600

    For sure the Inspection event should have a 2-row header.
    For Realtor and Soccer I think the height should be 1-row, as it is for Sleep.

    Tested with Chromium 57.0.2933.0 (beta) and IE11.
    With FF 50.0.1 only issue 1) persists.

    This has no priority for me.

    Best regards

    We don't see any of the issues in your image, in any browser. At full-screen, 1920x1080, and *with no OS or browser zoom*, all titles are on one line when we run this sample.

    If we shrink the browser window, they all go onto two or three lines, correctly.

    Did you make sure your OS and browser are not zoomed?

    If so, did you take any other steps in order to arrive at the result in your image? Also, what's your screen-res/browser-size?

    As it happens, some Calendar optimizations were made yesterday that included a change to cache the headerHeights of EventCanvases for efficiency, so this area has been updated anyway - it might be worth retrying this issue in the next nightly build that arrives on the builds site - should be within a day or two.


      Hi Isomorphic,

      at work using FF26 and Chromium 54.0.2840.99 (1920x1080) I don't see it either. I'll retest at home once the new build is out.

      Best regards

