Hi, I have implemented the Persistent Reorderable TreeGrid example in my solution and I noticed that it didnt work when dragging nodes from one folder to another.
When looking alittle closer I found out that nodes dragged to a new folder were not added to the update queue and was only updated by the default update when being re-parented.
This means that those nodes are just added to the new folder with their old position number from the previous folder, so if you drag a node into a new folder and try to drop it in a specific place in the order it will pop up in it's "old" order position instead.
So I guess my question is: Are you aware of this issue, and do you have any tips on how to fix it?
This issue is reproducible in the showcase.
When looking alittle closer I found out that nodes dragged to a new folder were not added to the update queue and was only updated by the default update when being re-parented.
This means that those nodes are just added to the new folder with their old position number from the previous folder, so if you drag a node into a new folder and try to drop it in a specific place in the order it will pop up in it's "old" order position instead.
So I guess my question is: Are you aware of this issue, and do you have any tips on how to fix it?
This issue is reproducible in the showcase.