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    Portal Layout different columns in rows


    We want to use the Portal Layout in our application, It should be possible to have 2 portlets in the first row and for example 3 portlets in the second row. Can this be achieved with a single Portal Layout? Is there a sample where i can figure out how to persist the Portal Layout for a user?


    There would be no way to have 2 same-sized portlets in the first row and 3 same-sized portlets in the second row in a single Portal Layout. However, portlets can split a column, so your 3 portlet row could have two portlets of half a column's width, and columns can be different sizes as well, and are resizable.

    If you're really looking at effectively just 5 "slots" that users can place portlets into, this is a much weaker and less flexible model than the Portal Layout provides, so you might just want to have a couple of HLayouts and refuse to allow drops at the ends.

    This sample shows PortalLayout persistence.

