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    Bulk Update for ListGrid via Servlet


    I have a ListGrid that I have wired to an external servlet. For retrieve operations it works great: the servlet is passed in the HttpServletRequest and I can extract the parameters, run my business logic, and and return JSON which the grid then captures and renders.

    However for updates, I am having some issues. In my ListGrid I have setAutoUpdate(false) so that updates can be sent in bulk after a save button is clicked.

    When I send more than 1 update, it seems that the HttpServletRequest object does not contain enough information for me to perform an update. After cracking open the parameter map, it seems that the grid only sends a single primary key, and the values of the updated fields. I need to have the primary key for each updated field or else I do not know what records to update.

    Does any one have any insight into this problem?

    After some debugging, all the DSRequests are being captured, and then the warning message apears: "Multiple RPCRequests with params attribute in one transaction - merging".

    To me, this looks like its merging all the requests into a single parameters map. Which is problematic because the primary key field is overwritten repeatedly.


      Hi pablo99,

      It seems you are using Java-created DataSource in order to access a REST source somewhere, correct?
      If so, you could work around a possible problem (can't say anything about that) via setDisableQueuing(true) for all the DataSources in your queue.

      Best regards

