SmartGWT version: SmartClient Version: v10.1p_2016-08-05/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2016-08-05)
Browsers: Firefox 50.0.2, IE 11, Chrome 54.0.2840.99
I have a list grid containing a column that is a text value. The text value may be null.
When sorting by that column, I expect that sorting should either have null values go to the top or to the bottom.
The actual behaviour is that null values are sorted between alpha strings.
UI Code:
The canvas item is set on a DynamicForm.
DataSource XML:
DataSource fetch response:
As seen in the attached image, sorting by email comment sorts the null value between t and x.
Browsers: Firefox 50.0.2, IE 11, Chrome 54.0.2840.99
I have a list grid containing a column that is a text value. The text value may be null.
When sorting by that column, I expect that sorting should either have null values go to the top or to the bottom.
The actual behaviour is that null values are sorted between alpha strings.
UI Code:
CanvasItem canvasItem = new CanvasItem(); ListGrid emailListGrid = new ListGrid(); emailListGrid.setDataSource( DataSource.get( "email_address" ) ); emailListGrid.setAutoFetchData( true ); canvasItem.setCanvas( emailListGrid );
DataSource XML:
<DataSource tableName="email_address" ID="email_address" dataSourceVersion="1" serverType="sql" > <fields> <field primaryKey="true" name="email_id" type="sequence" sequenceName="s_email_address" hidden="true"></field> <field name="email_address_name" type="ntext" length="128" required="true"/> <field name="email_address" type="ntext" required="true" /> <field name="email_comment" type="ntext" length="255" /> </fields> <operationBindings> <operationBinding operationType="fetch"> </operationBinding> <operationBinding operationType="add"> </operationBinding> <operationBinding operationType="update"> </operationBinding> <operationBinding operationType="remove"> </operationBinding> </operationBindings> </DataSource>
{ affectedRows:0, data:[ { email_id:1, email_address:"c@c", email_address_name:"c", rowID:1 }, { email_id:2, email_address:"a@a", email_address_name:"a", email_comment:"t", rowID:2 }, { email_id:3, email_address:"b@b", email_address_name:"b", email_comment:"x", rowID:3 } ], endRow:3, invalidateCache:false, isDSResponse:true, operationType:"fetch", queueStatus:0, startRow:0, status:0, totalRows:3 }